Domino 16

16mm color with optical mono sound
3:22min @ 24fps and 4:30min @ 18fp

Domino 16 and T90 STRIKE is a twinpair of  handmade material films which are part of my so called material-studies.

This film is the result of some different circumstances pairing togehter. First of all I was highly motivated to produce my next film after a succesfull venue at fullframe festival in the Gartenbaukino, Vienna. Secondly I had no moviecamera but thirdly my thoughts, questions and idears dropped deep enough into the materiality of film/celluloid. I put my focus on cameraless filmtechniques, formal influenced by popart grafics with its protruding offset print look.

For this process I simply prepaired the frames in photoshop and Xerox-printed them as a negativ on overhead-foil. Dry-splicing this stripes on 16mm glasfilm and it´s all ready for the filmlab. The optical track is corresponding to the image. Due to the upscaling of the projected film, every printed dot appear clearly in each of the base colours (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) appear clearly. Analog film with digital fingerprint.

Related work to the analog/digital-studies: Model 101, 16:PAL

The view from a moving car, objects outside begin to change. Points turn into lines and colors mix together, static forms start to flow. This film is an analog projection with digital structures, a complex composition of stripes, points and boosted pixels.

Thomas Glänzel

2016 „Atrabilious – Amsterdam Experimental Film Festival“ Filmhuis Cavia, Amsterdam
2010 „An Alternative Genealogy of Avant-Garde Film“ Worm, Rotterdam
2010 „AnaDoma 2“ FilmVideoFest, Braunschweig, Germany
2009 „film:riss“ Festival der studentischen Filmkultur, Salzburg
2009 „fullframe“ Gartenbaukino, Vienna

Vienna 2008/2009

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