1- channel videoinstallation, projection on pneumatic object, 9:52 minutes loop.
This installation is one of two works for my diploma at Transmediale Kunst, University for applied arts, Vienna.
The second work is Film. This is the theoretical part of my diploma: Portfolio (German).
The Cinema, an extended model of our eye. The Cinema, a projection of possible realities. The expanded eye is the sence of the expanded Cinema. Its essence forms both the projection and the reception. The eye itself as the audience, in reception and reflection of the projected film.
Out of this theoretical and the practical involvement with the institution Cinema, a videoinstallation was developed, which detaches the image from the rigidity of the screen. The projection shifts from the two dimensional surface of the screen a three dimentional object.
Light projections have an their own lightness, which through the projection onto the floating and partly transparent object becomes focused and amplified.
The projected video-footage contains streetlife and architecture scenes shot at the VIC – Vienna International Center aka UNO-City complex in vienna. It is about my point of view shown at my photographic work Field Service.
Diploma Exhibition
Exhibition of Kunsthalle Wien
2012 “Exhibition of Kunsthalle Wien” Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz, Vienna
2012 Diploma Exhibition, Heiligenkreuzer Hof, Vienna
Vienna 2012