
Found Footage Cinema Trailer
Duration: 2:31 min
35mm 1:1,85 / Dolby SR/DCP 5.1

Trailer and Werbung (Advertisement) is a twinpair of found-footage made films which are part of my so called cinema-studies.

This contemporary and fast piece of ultra-cinema is a scintillating found-footage appropriation. Trailer is a counterstrike against Hollywood-like commercial movies. The original footage included trailers from the 90’s up to now.

Cross – genre, Hollywood and European cinema has been examined carefully. Through the analysis of collected trailers a new montage is created. Trailers who are based on the same pattern, got decoded and rearranged. The rapid cutting allows melting the different movies and creates totally new sense.

Thomas Glänzel

Concept/Cut: Thomas Glänzel
Sound Design: Tomáš Karásek
Dolby SR Mastering: Thomas Grill
5.1 Mastering: Inanna Palikruschew

2011 “exground filmfest” Wiesbaden, Germany
2011 “Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center” University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
2011 “AVANCA 2011” Int. Meeting of Cinema, TV, Video and Multimedia, Portugal
2011 “fullframe” Gartenbaukino, Vienna

Vienna/Dublin 2010

Grant-aided by:  Land NÖ, Stadt St. Pölten     Supported by: Synchro Film

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