Deconstruction of a Placeholder

This installation was created for an invitation at fotoK, Vienna.

Because of the unusual and narrow dimensions of the showroom, a conventional presentation of a picture is hardly impossible. Therefore, this installation works with the deconstruction of the image.

A mirror as a deconstructor, a test-pattern as placeholder for an image and a vinyl-disc as placeholder for sound. The elementary geometrical figure of a triangle is shaping the object. The projection gets split up, forming newly, placed, organised and reconstructed in the surrounding room.

Thomas Glänzel Thomas Glänzel Thomas Glänzel
Thomas Glänzel Thomas Glänzel Thomas Glänzel

See another photographic work of this exibithion: Deconstruction of a Projection

Concept and implementation: Thomas Glänzel and Julia Joha

2013 “Deconstruction of a Placeholder” fotoK, Vienna

Vienna 2013

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