Jammertal RGB

Duration: 9:00 min
Ratio: 1:1,37
16mm B/W & Colour (Orwo UN54 SW, Fuji Eterna 400 Color)
Optical Sound

After making mainly cameraless films like found-footage or so called material-films, this film leads to the field of handcamera shot footage. With the inherent focus on the aesthetic aspects of analogue film, but combined with narrative elements.

The striking imagery in this film is largely owed to the intriguing strength of the used 16mm material in b/w & colour, shot with a Krasnogorsk-3 camera, gaining even more intensity through the set and the stunning effects of the triple exposure technique used for the coloured sequences.

The film tells a very personal, interpersonal story in three acts or personalities. It will only be shown to the audience on selected venues which provides a certain personal atmosphere.

Thomas Glänzel
Thomas Glänzel
Thomas Glänzel

Concept / Camera / Editing / Grading: Thomas Glänzel
Actress: JJ
Sound Design: Tina 303 Grünsteidl & Christopher Schweiger
Mastering: Cem Oral / Jammin Masters

2019 “Fortuna 16 – Die Lust am Auge(nblick).” Vienna, Austria

Vienna 2019

Grant-aided by: Land NÖ, Kulturverein Tannberg
Supported by: Synchro Film


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