
Site-specific 1-channel videoinstallation, 10:48min. looped, electrone tube TV, DVD player, active stereo speakers + sub-woofer.

This video-installation was developed for the exibithion Zwischenwelten curated by Jeannin Jesch at the Bujatti-Villa in Vienna. This abandoned mansion was unused for almost 20 years. The weather is a big issue for the condition of that building. The roof is not rainproof anymore. The video does simulate a thunderstorm (Gewitter) inside the wall closet.

Thomas Glänzel

Thomas Glänzel

In November 2019 the installation was exibithet at MIET gallery in Thessaloniki. KAIROS. Ανακάλεσμα της Γης | Recall of Earth. Therefor the installation was adapted to a 2-channel video, one  was shown inside the galery space and the other to the front side of the building.

Dedicated to Gustav Deutsch, Austrian Filmmaker and Architect (1952-2019).

Site-specific 2-channel videoinstallation, 10:48min. looped, electrone tube TV, DVD player, active stereo speakers.

The Thunderstorm as a weather phenomenon, energy discharges in bundled shape. Zeus and the tunderbolt, as a weapon against the Titans. The sailors, the storm always creates their powerful opponent uncertainty about safe return home. Thunderstorm, hail and storm, crop failures in agriculture, flooding and destruction by forces of nature. Despite all this, it still captivates us humans.

Vienna 2017 / Thessaloniki 2020

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