Schlagwort-Archive: wien

Survey Bench Markers

Intervention in public space, survey bench marks made of stainless steel. This work connects the fields of typography, mapping and public art. TOM – System in a system, in a system. Survey bench marks defines certain places in space. They … read more


Site-specific light-installation with slide-projector. Light-installation at Sargfabrik (former coffin-fabric) indoor swimmingpool. Opaque masks used with a slide projector to shape the light, fitting the architecture. Directed on the wavy surface of the water, light reflects in certain directions. The projection … read more


1080p, 2:09min This is the intro clip for fullframe 2011 taking place at the drive-in Theater in Groß Enzersdorf near Vienna. With video footage from NASA TV projected on a huge 525m² screen. The soundtrack is composed by using radio … read more