Augen Blick – Split Second

Dedicated to my old friend, probably the person who influenced my life at most. In that summer I started photograpy, she pushed me to go the artistic way. Something I didn´t thought about that time.

It´s the look, what photography is about. A nosie look, a devote look, a penetrating look.  To find, observe and capture the object of desire and of course the right split second you push the shutter.

Thomas Glänzel

C-print on aluminium, 165cm x 150cm, triptych.

Thomas Glänzel Thomas Glänzel

2008 „EIKON student (p)ages“ FLUSS, Wolkersdorf

2008 „EIKON“ #59, International magazine for photography and Medial Arts

Merle Weber, St. Pölten 2003

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